“Farewell to Feline Friendship: A Heartwarming Goodbye as the Forgetful Dog Finds Peace in Heaven”

The owner of an 18-year-old Japanese Shiba Inu named Shino recently shared the sad news that Shino passed away due to Alzheimer’s disease. The owner posted on Instagram, saying that Shino passed away peacefully and suddenly on March 7th at 14:45. The owner also expressed hope that Shino would have a good life in heaven as a beloved pet. Despite Shino’s passing, the owner continued to share photos of Shino on social media, especially showing the interactions between Shino and his cat friend Kuu, as a way to remember him. For more information, visit pet4luv.com.

Leaving His Best Cat Friend Alone, The Dog With Alzheimer Went To Heaven…

Shino faced challenges with his mobility and self-care due to his health issues. Even walking was a struggle for him.

Leaving His Best Cat Friend Alone, The Dog With Alzheimer Went To Heaven…

However, thanks to the loving care of his owner and the joyful companionship of Kuu, Shino continued to enjoy a contented existence.

Leaving His Best Cat Friend Alone, The Dog With Alzheimer Went To Heaven…

As per the owner, Kuu, who is 7 years old, has taken on the role of a protector for his furry friend and won’t let any other cats come near him.

Leaving His Best Cat Friend Alone, The Dog With Alzheimer Went To Heaven…

Shino’s condition made it difficult for him to walk independently, but thanks to his feline friend Kuu, he had a constant support system. Kuu would always be by his side to offer stability and assistance whenever Shino needed to stand or move around.

Leaving His Best Cat Friend Alone, The Dog With Alzheimer Went To Heaven…

According to the owner, Shino went about his usual routine the day before he passed away. He had breakfast and ventured outside for a walk. However, in the evening, he suddenly collapsed and let out loud cries. The owner held him all night as he seemed to be experiencing a fever and struggling to breathe.

Leaving His Best Cat Friend Alone, The Dog With Alzheimer Went To Heaven…

The owner shared that the day after she took Shino to the hospital, the doctor advised that he stay there for observation. The doctor mentioned that he could possibly be discharged later in the evening. Feeling tired, the owner decided to head home and take a rest.

Leaving His Best Cat Friend Alone, The Dog With Alzheimer Went To Heaven…

During that moment, Kuu crawled into my bed and slept with me, which was a rare occurrence. However, out of nowhere, I received a call from the doctor at 2:30 in the afternoon informing me that Shino had ceased breathing.

Leaving His Best Cat Friend Alone, The Dog With Alzheimer Went To Heaven…

Kuu was taken aback upon hearing the news of Shino’s sudden demise and even fell unconscious in the hospital. It was surprising as Shino seemed fine the day before. Concerned fans online started to inquire about Kuu’s well-being following the incident. According to the owner, Kuu frequently lay alone in Shino’s kennel and occasionally rested on the cabinet beside it, gazing at the spot where they usually slept together.

Leaving His Best Cat Friend Alone, The Dog With Alzheimer Went To Heaven…

The proprietor was well aware that Kuu was pining for his dear companion who had gone missing.

Leaving His Best Cat Friend Alone, The Dog With Alzheimer Went To Heaven…

Kuu, the pet, was given enough time to go through his food. The owner refrained from disturbing him during mealtime. However, the owner recently mentioned that Kuu’s condition has improved and he can eat more now. This news was shared with Kuu’s fans to ease their worries.

Leaving His Best Cat Friend Alone, The Dog With Alzheimer Went To Heaven…

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