Heartwarming Moment: Unwanted Pup’s Joyous Reaction To Being Adopted By A Loving Family

Mikayla Sengle and Anthony Noto didn’t have any plans of adopting a furry friend when they stumbled upon Wylie. While driving home from work, Noto came across a dog park close to an apartment complex where he spotted a pit bull sitting all alone at the back of the park. The confused look on the white and brown pit bull caught their attention, and it seemed like fate that brought them together.

Upon approaching the canine, Noto observed that the dog lacked a collar and appeared to have some injuries. As per Noto’s observation, the dog looked lost but determined to carry out a mission. According to Noto, the dog approached him with innocence, which made him wonder if he was the one the dog was searching for. In his attempt to find the dog’s owner, Noto tied a rope around the dog’s neck and walked around the area without any success. As nobody identified the dog, Noto decided to take the dog home in his truck.

The little dog was keen on impressing his new companions and made sure not to cause any trouble. Sengle and Noto noticed that he had impeccable manners, waiting for permission before licking or showing affection towards people. The furry friend appeared to be overjoyed and relieved at finding a new home and was rewarded with a bath and some treats upon arrival. Sengle also observed that the pup sought permission from her partner for everything and seemed ecstatic upon discovering the joys of running around in the yard. It was evident that he had never experienced such freedom and fun before.

On his first night with his rescuers, Wylie found solace in sleeping in bed with them. His contentment was evident as he never felt more at ease and elated before.

Sengle took to social media to find the family of the lost dog. Unfortunately, when she received a reply, it saddened her deeply. A young girl informed Sengle that the dog belonged to her friend, who no longer wanted the pet due to its annoying behavior. The girl even pleaded with Sengle not to return the dog if the owner contacted them, as they had a history of mistreating the animal by physically hitting it and being unkind to it.

Sengle and Noto took care of Wylie during his stray hold for five days to allow his owners to reclaim him. However, when the time was up, the couple decided to keep him forever. Initially, they thought their family was complete, but now they feel extremely fortunate to have Wylie as a new addition.

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