How a Brave Pup Conquered Her Fears to Greet Her Furry BFF

Every day, Emily and Justin’s dog, Pax, would eagerly wait by the fence to greet their new neighbors and their puppy, Penny. The couple had recently moved into their new home in October 2020, and Pax was thrilled to have a spacious yard to play in and friendly neighbors to interact with. When Penny arrived, it was a match made in heaven – Pax fell head over heels for her at first sight!

dog and puppy best friends

According to Emily Thomas, Pax and Penny first met in March 2021 when Penny was just a few months old. Despite their age difference, the two got along famously from the start. Seeing their connection, Emily’s neighbors even put in a gate to their yard to prepare for future playdates between the two pups. As soon as Penny was tall enough to reach the top of the fence, Pax would eagerly wait for her every time he went outside. Emily and her family loved watching the two greet each other and exchange “kisses” over the fence each day.

dog best friends

Emily Thomas witnessed a heartwarming sight between two dogs named Pax and Penny. These furry friends never fail to greet each other with kisses whenever they are outside and often share toys over the fence. They even engage in a playful game of tug-of-war using a rope toy. Their owners arrange for them to have playdates regularly in their own yards. Unfortunately, the snow became a hindrance to their meetups. Nonetheless, the bond between these two dogs remains unbreakable.

dog best friends

According to Emily Thomas, while Pax enjoys playing in the snow and would stay outside as long as he can, Penny is not fond of the snow or rain. The recent heavy snowfall made Penny unhappy, and she refused to go outside. Pax was miserable without his best friend, and he often stood at the fence, gazing at their back door, longing for her company. Penny’s owners could see how much Pax missed her and decided to take action to reunite them.

dog in snow

Emily Thomas reported that Penny was hesitant to venture out into the snow, so her owners decided to shovel a path for her to the fence. This was done in the hope that she would feel more comfortable going out to play with Pax. After some time, Penny finally made it back up to her usual spot where she reunited with Pax. Seeing that Pax was comfortable playing in the snow helped Penny overcome her fears too. Since then, the two dogs have enjoyed play dates in the snow almost every day. It is evident that Penny and Pax are best friends who will do everything in their power to ensure that nothing will ever come between them.

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