Shakira’s Generosity Knows No Bounds: Donates $400,000 to Rebuild School in Haiti While Grooving for a Good Cause

Dancing for charity: Pop-star Shakira sang and danced with students to celebrate the renovation of an historic Haitian school which was ravaged by the devastating 2010 earthquake yesterday

The famous singer Shakira marked a special day yesterday in Haiti. She celebrated the reopening of a school that was damaged by the devastating earthquake in 2010. The talented artist put on an energetic show, including lively songs and dance performances, with the students to mark the occasion. The charity event aimed to raise funds to enhance the educational facilities in the area. It was a joyous day that highlighted the importance of education and giving back to the community.

Shakin' it: The stunning 34-year-old danced to the beat of her song Waka Waka - This Time for Africa, alongside the students from the the Elie Dubois high school in down-town Port-au-Prince

With effortless grace, the stunning 34-year-old swayed her hips to the beat of her chart-topping tune Waka Waka – This Time for Africa. She was joined by the talented students from Elie Dubois high school in the heart of downtown Port-au-Prince.

Generous: Shakira announced that her Barefoot Foundation, which helps child victims of violence and disasters, along with the Inter-American Development Bank would each be donating $400,000 to restore the high school

Shakira has recently shared some great news about her charitable act. She declared that her Barefoot Foundation, which works towards helping children suffering from disastrous and violent situations, will be contributing $400,000 for the renovation of a high school. Moreover, the Inter-American Development Bank has also promised to donate a similar amount for this noble cause. Shakira’s foundation has been playing a significant role in providing assistance to children in several areas across the globe. This recent act of kindness by the singer emphasizes her strong dedication to improving the lives of young ones.

Fans: During her charitable day out Shakira was greeted with fanfare by the students, who were thrilled about to meet the singer presented her with gifts

Shakira had an amazing time while participating in a charity event. The students were thrilled to meet her and greeted her with immense excitement. They even presented her with gifts as a token of appreciation for her exceptional talent.

Kisses: A nun leans in the place a delicate kiss on the singer's cheek

The singer received a soft kiss on the cheek from a nun.

Stunning: The pop star let her hair flow naturally and wore minimal make-up for her day out

The well-known vocalist embraced a more effortless appearance during her public appearance by leaving her hair down and choosing to wear light makeup. She looked remarkably beautiful.

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