Title: A Mother Dog’s Struggle to Feed Her Puppies and Survive on Her Own

During Christmas of 2019, a young girl came across a mother dog and her litter of puppies. The girl made an effort to catch the dogs, who were all visibly injured and covered in blood, but she quickly realized that the mother dog was too frightened to be captured.

The mother, who had injuries and a growth in her reproductive system, was given nourishment for herself and her babies to help gain her trust. However, she remained fearful of humans. The rescuers enlisted the help of a catcher and a veterinarian to provide further aid.

Despite the difficulties, they were able to accomplish their mission. It took them a total of three hours to catch the infants infested with fleas. Luckily, the girl managed to embrace the little ones and safely transport them in her car.

It’s a sad story that the mother dog passed away, leaving her puppies behind without a caretaker. The situation forced the girl to take on the responsibility of caring for the newborn dogs.

The lady seems excited to observe these dogs as they have matured. As shown in the video below, they appear to be enjoying themselves with their caretaker.

Feel free to spread their tale to your loved ones and acquaintances!

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